• 1-613-716-4899
  • vicar@ottawamarthoma.ca
  • Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Form for Testing

Gallery Notes

Final Tiles gallery is good. No feature to create Albums (Group of Galleries).

Robo Gallery is also good. It has all the features except ability to make Galleries, but the paid version may allow for that as Category groupings. Its a one time payment of $30 or $60. Allows for YouTube Albums too.

NexGen Gallery has lot of features but a lot of the features are for Pro. Allows to load pictures in seperate folders. The other two does not allow that. The images comes from the Media library.

PhotoGallery is also good, but does not allow folders. The images comes from the Media library.

[FinalTilesGallery id=’1′]

NextGen Gallery

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